Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Textual Analysis of When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys

Mise en Scene: Set on a council estate to show that the characters in the video are of a lower class background. Natural lighting is used to show that it is a real life situation that hasn't been glamourized in any way. The main girl in the video always wears a tracksuit even when wearing a dress over the top to connote the idea that even when she tried to cover up the fact that she is a prostitute which is frowned upon within society, it is still an underlying layer of who she is.
Sound: Extra diegetic sound has been added at the beginning of the video of a female saying "Come back, and I'll treat ya nice. I won't bite, I'll do it nice and slow for ya."
Camera Angles: There have been lots of long shots used to show the surrounding environment and to set the scene of the video. There has also been the use of many close ups of the girls face to show her emotions. Handheld shots have been used to give the video a more realistic feel and that it is a real life situation.
Narrative: The storyline follows a girl and an older man from a low class estate
Titling: At the beginning of the video it says '...Right beside us are the ones hidden by the night...', this gives the audience an insight into what the video is going to be based upon.
Relations between lyrics and visuals: 'Who's that girl there?' shows the main girl who will be seen throughout the rest of the video. 'I bet he'll rob you if he can.' The main man in the video steals food from the girls plate.

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